Gather your secret ingredients, unearth family recipes and roll the cameras as the National Commission For Culture and The Arts (NCCA), powered by YATU Film Productions and North Luzon Cinema Guild Inc., launches 2022’s edition of Cinema Culinarya Film Festival (CCFF).
In accordance with Proclamation No. 469, declaring April as the “Filipino Food Month” or “Buwan Ng Kalutong Pilipino,” CCFF aims to champion well-crafted short films that showcase tasteful narratives, culinary practices, and traditions in hopes of strengthening the Filipino food identity and honoring its rich heritage. The festival uplifts Philippine culinary culture with its main theme “Pagkaing Pilipino, Susi Sa Pag-Unlad At Pagbabago.”
Filmmakers are encouraged to participate in two categories: Main Dish Category, and Side Dish Category. See below for the festival’s guidelines:
The Main Dish Competition is open to all filmmakers who have films that are centered on the culinary stories, traditions, treasures of the Philippines (eg. Food, eating, cooking, and individual creative interpretations of these topics) made not earlier than February 2021. All entries should be submitted on or before March 26, 2022, 8:00 PM.
Production must comply with the health and safety protocols. The maximum running time is 15 minutes, inclusive of the Opening, and Closing Credits. Entries must be in the local language but must include English subtitles. Music used in the film must be original, licensed, or in the public domain. The complete and final entry should be in the 1080p Full HD format (MP4 or MOV).
Entries that have been previously exhibited as part of any local film festival or film competition are eligible. Entries from abroad will only be accepted as long as they are written, directed or produced by filmmakers of Filipino descent. A filmmaker may submit more than one entry. Rules and guidelines may be subject to change without prior notice.
Cash prizes and trophies await the winning short films on the Main Dish Category:
- Best Short Film Winner: P30,000 + exclusive Cinema Culinaria Film Festival trophy
- 2nd Place Winner: P20,000 + exclusive Cinema Culinaria Film Festival trophy
- 3rd Place Winner: P10,000 + exclusive Cinema Culinaria Film Festival trophy
Filmmakers will also be invited to attend online interviews and talkbacks.
Send the following requirements below to cinemaculinarya.ph@gmail.com with the subject CINEMACULINARYA22_Title Of Film_(Main Dish Competition).
- Online or link of the film uploaded on Google Drive, Vimeo or YouTube (Password Protected)
- Synopsis of the film (Not more than 200 words)
- List of complete cast and crew
- Official poster (27” x 40” layout)
- Official trailer (Not more than 1 minute)
- Assorted stills and screen captures (in JPEG format)
- Filmmaker’s curriculum vitae with filmography (single space, not more than 2 pages) together with filmmaker’s photo and two (2) recent 2×2 photos
- Copy of one (1) government issued ID or any proof of residence (Cedula, ID indicating address, Barangay Clearance, etc.)
The Side Dish Competition is open to all filmmakers who have video content that showcases traditional and modern recipes of Filipino cuisine all throughout the region. Instructional how-to-cook video contents are highly encouraged. All entries should be submitted on or before March 26, 2022, 8:00 PM.
The complete and final entry should be uploaded on Tiktok with the following hashtags: #CinemaCulinaryaFilmFest2022 #EatingWithYourEyes #CCFF2022. Tag Cinema Culinarya Film Festival’s official Tiktok account: @cinemaculinarya.ph
The creation of the video content must comply with the health and safety protocols. The maximum running time is 3 minutes, inclusive of the Opening, and Closing spiels. Entries must be in the local language but must include English subtitles.
Entries from abroad will only be accepted as long as they are written, directed, or produced by filmmakers of Filipino descent. Video content creators may submit more than one entry.
10 winning entries will be chosen to receive a cash prize of P2,000.
Send the following requirements below to cinemaculinarya.ph@gmail.com with the subject CINEMACULINARYA22_Title Of Entry_(Side Dish Competition).
- Online or link of the film uploaded on Tiktok
- Short background of the dish / recipe featured in the entry (Not more than 200 words)
- Assorted photos of the dish / recipe featured in the entry (in JPEG format)
- Filmmaker’s curriculum vitae with filmography (single space, not more than 2 pages) together with filmmaker’s photo and two (2) recent 2×2 photos
- Copy of one (1) government issued ID or any proof of residence (Cedula, ID indicating address, Barangay Clearance, etc.)
For updates and future announcements, follow the official social media pages of Cinema Culinarya Film Festival on Tiktok and Facebook!