The pandemic did not stop the passionate people of the University of the Philippines (UP) Aguman in providing an avenue for talented young Kapampangans. FOLLOWING the success of last year’s Sining Arts and Talents Competition despite having it virtually, Sining 2022 promises a grander and more exciting event for all of us. This year’s virtual …

CALL FOR ENTRIES: Cinema Culinarya Film Festival
Gather your secret ingredients, unearth family recipes and roll the cameras as the National Commission For Culture and The Arts (NCCA), powered by YATU Film Productions and North Luzon Cinema Guild Inc., launches 2022’s edition of Cinema Culinarya Film Festival (CCFF). In accordance with Proclamation No. 469, declaring April as the “Filipino Food Month” or “Buwan Ng Kalutong Pilipino,” CCFF aims to champion …

Make your type: a guide to mechanical keyboard modding
Working or studying from home has allowed us to discover various interests: food, tv series, plants, home improvements, and having a nice desk among others. Of course, we practically did everything from our home with our desktops or laptops for the past two years– and having a good workstation is nothing but necessary. For some, …

Young Kitchen: The Tiger and His Lair, Casa Tigre
You know, you’d think it’s easy writing about something you like. As it turns out, you have to deal with a weeks-long slump, delaying the writeup, waiting for inspiration to come to you. It doesn’t. So you sit there in front of your laptop writing this exact paragraph that you probably won’t edit out later. …

Old but gold: redesign your space with items from these Japan Surplus shops
Spending most of our time at home during this pandemic has allowed us to be more concerned about the looks of our place. Most of us, if not all, have tried reinventing our own spaces with all the DIY finds from Shopee and Lazada. But if you’re up to more redesigning and home improvement, you …

There’s nothing wrong with my Kayumanggi skin
When I was younger, I always considered my Kayumanggi skin as a flaw. I hated my skin color so much, to the point where I avoided going out of our house in my hopes to lighten my skin. I used pile up whitening filters on my photos to hide my brown skin and convince myself …

Relive moments from the past, the modern way
If you have memories dusting away in your old VHS or Betamax tapes, bring ‘em over! Meet the millennial Kapampangan who digitizes/immortalizes these moments. Gather ‘round, kids, let’s learn about VHS tapes! No, not the circular things with a hole at the center (like a flat doughnut); those are called CDs. Nope, not the square …

Stay in style without getting broke. Visit these 4 online thrift shops now!
Want to flaunt your fashion but you’re on a tight budget? We got you! Kapampangans are known to be maporma or fashionable. Their varying fashion styles from head to toe are truly fascinating. Kapampangans will surely keep up with the trend, whether they have money or not. But who says you have to splurge to …

Pepsi plant in San Fernando named as healthiest workplace in the city
The PCPPI San Fernando Plant is a Hall of Famer in the Healthiest Workplace Award; winning first place for three consecutive years from 2016 to 2018, and another in 2021. Pepsi-Cola Products Philippines Inc. (PCPPI) San Fernando plant recently received the “Healthy Workplace Award” from the City Health Office of San Fernando, Pampanga. This is …

Young Kitchen: Geli in the house, literally
A cute kitchen—small, with calming pale orange color all around, a fancy, tall refrigerator, a table for a small family, a gas range in the corner, and Geli Ronquillo, a 26-year-old chef standing over it most days, cooking what she feels like cooking. Or in other terms, a hustle day for the young chef. Chef …